


News from the German Society





Lilias, the Dowager Countess of Cromartie passed away

With regrets we noticed the passing of Lilias, the Dowager Countess of Cromartie, stepmother of Cabarfeidh. She was born on 25.03.1918 and in 1962 she became the 3rd wife of Roderick Mackenzie, 4th Earl of Cromartie. Lilias passed away peacefully on 11.10.2013 at Dower House in Strathpeffer. The funeral took place on 23.10.2013.


New date for the International Gathering

After some confusion about the plans for Homecoming 2014 the Clan Mackenzie Society of Scotland and the UK decided to cancel the date in 2014. The next Clan Mackenzie International Gathering in Strathpeffer now happens in 2015 as originally planned.



Spirit of Scotland feat. Clan Mackenzie 
In 2012 the famous British opera star John Cashmore is on tour in Germany again with his Show "Spirit of Scotland". On 01. September the show takes place in Marburg / Lahn. The Clan Mackenzie Society of Germany will act arround an on the stage as a part of the show!

Thank you very much to John und Kaybee Cashmore for trusting in the Clan Mackenzie!


New Committee
At the AGM today a new committee for the next 4 years has been elected.

New President is Hajo Petersen, new Vice-President is Marc Prause.

New Commissioners are Michael Herold, Achim Reincke and Brigitte Wolf.
Markus Kewitz, Past President, has not run for re-election. he will act as

Special Envoy to Cabarfeidh and will remain in the committee.

The hand-over of presidentship will take place at the Burns-Supper on

28.01.2012 in Salzkotten.





Donation to Childrens Hospice "Löwenherz"

The result of our tombola at the Coesfeld Highland Games in Juli was a turnover of 750 Euro.  We gave this sum as a donation to the childrens hospice "Löwenherz" in Syke near Bremen to support the good work for fatally ill children. Thank you very much to all supporters!


Ambassador of the Loreley

At the 1. Loreley Tattoo the Manager of the Loreley-Theater, Ulrich Lautenschläger,  named the Clan Mackenzie Society of Germany Ambassador of the Loreley - The Rock of Entertainment.
The attending members and our Special guest, Cabarfeidh, got an exclusive pin to identify as Ambassadors. Of course the Society will attend the Loreley-Tattoo 2012 to represent the Clan Mackenzie.


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MacKenzie Routes

MacKenzie Routes.

A first class ticket to your heritage

Weitere Berichte vom Burns Dinner, Peine Gathering, Baltic Highlandgames etc. sind in Arbeit und werden in Kürze online sein.